Make Delicious Coffee Every Time - This Calibrated Coffee Tamp Is Perfect For Beginners or Pro Baristas Alike!
We are proud to release our very own NZ made Calibrated Tamp "THIRTY" into the market. We have had so many customers asking us for these tamps, so we are super happy and proud to finally launch them.
Here we have a package for owners of the very popular Breville Barista Express coffee machines - which includes a THIRTY calibrated tamper and a custom fabricated 3D printed dosing ring, to perfectly fit your Breville coffee machine's portafilter and keep all your ground coffee going where it should.
Tamp like the best baristas with this consistent calibrated tamp.
Some interesting info:
👉 This is Craig Turner's second calibrated tamp that he has designed for the New Zealand market - so he knows what it takes to design a quality product.
👉 THIRTY tamp is calibrated with a stainless steel spring to an industry standard 30 pounds of pressure. This allows precision and consistency across all baristas tamping throughout the cafe, therefore helping deliver consistent coffee every time.
👉 The stainless steel spring is made of high quality stainless and will not deteriorate or lose tension, so THIRTY tamps will last you a lifetime or two.... Hence a LIFETIME mechanical warranty.
👉 Once assembled they have no removable parts, meaning everything is contained internally for a solid product that will withstand the most demanding of work environments.
👉 THIRTY tamp is always warm to the touch and specifically shaped to spread the force in the palm of your hand. This ergonomic and well-thought out design helps reduce "tampers fatigue" that many baristas suffer from.
We have 3 sizes available: 58.3mm, 54.6mm, 53.3mm